Happy Year of the...Oat?!

Happy 2017, Happy Year of the Rooster, and Happy Year of the Oat, as well! “Common oat” has been declared the “Medicinal Plant of the Year” by the Study Group for the Historical Development of Medicinal Plant Science at Würzburg University, Germany. You can read all about it in the “Community News” section.

Gatherings galore....

This newsletter update brings you four new research reports, found in the “Research Reports” section. One, by Axel Diederichsen, describes growing perennial oats at PGRC, one is a summary of an article by Yolanda Loarce, et al., and two are tutorials from Clare Saied, et al., describing more tools in T3/Oat.

Спасибо, Санкт-Петербург! Thank you, St. Petersburg!

Thank you so much to Igor Loskutov and the rest of the organizers of the 10th International Oat Conference for hosting such a great meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, last month! Over time, more information concerning what took place will be added to the newsletter. In the meantime, if you have photos or other information to add, please get in touch with me.

More deadlines, but more celebrating, too!

The 10th International Oat Conference is coming up soon, and the local organizing committee has provided an update. For those of you planning to attend, abstracts for both oral presentations and posters are due this Sunday, May 1st! There are a number of other deadlines regarding visas and so on as well, so please check the website for details.

An updated update...

Seems my timing was a little off this month.... There have been further changes to the 10th International Oat Conference deadlines: the early bird registration deadline is now April 15th, and you have until May 1st to get in those abstracts! Other deadlines may also be changing, so keep an eye on the website.

I also have an important request from Nezha Saidi, who is the Curator of Forage and Pasture Legumes Genetic Resources at INRA in Morocco:

The tenth International Oat Conference is this summer!

The tenth International Oat Conference, Oats 2016, will be held from July 11th-15th, 2016, in St. Petersburg, Russia. Registration is open, and further details concerning presentation abstracts (due April 1st), accommodation, etc., can be found on the website.

Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) XXIV was held in January, and included a workshop dedicated to oats. Links to the presentations given at the workshop can now be found in the "Other Meetings" section. Oat-related poster abstracts are also listed.
