The "Speaking of Oats..." series continues!

The video from the first “Speaking of Oats…” (SOO) webinar is now available on YouTube.

Many thanks to Nick Tinker, Martin Mascher, and Jason Fiedler for an excellent webinar, and to Tom Rabaey for introducing the series! Thank you also to Jim Bradeen (Oat Global director) and Grant Czadzeck (UMN communications team) for all of their efforts.


Happy Crop Wild Relatives week! Every year, from September 22nd-29th, the Crop Science Society of America celebrates this occasion. On October 1st, you can join Plant Gene Resources of Canada in a celebration of their 50 years of collecting and preserving crop wild relatives. Updated information regarding registration, as well as the agenda, can be found here.

Another job opportunity at the USDA-ARS

The USDA-ARS is hiring yet another person to work with oats! This position is for a Research Agronomist/Plant Physiologist at the Integrated Cropping Systems Research Unit in Brookings, South Dakota. Responsibilities will include examining oat germplasm diversity and evaluating ecosystem benefits of growing oats.

For more information, or to apply, go here.

Best of luck to all applicants!

Virtually everything but the kitchen sink

Let’s begin with the item that has the closest deadline – Grain Farmers of Ontario has put out a call for proposals. The deadline for receiving Letters of Intent is next Wednesday, July 15th.

NordGen has also put out a call for proposals. Until September 15th, companies and public institutions can submit proposals for projects aimed at adapting environmentally and climate-friendly crops by using plant genetic resources.

New hexaploid oat genome sequence released

PepsiCo has just announced the release of the full genome sequence for the hexaploid oat line OT3098. This is exciting for many reasons, not the least of which is that the sequence has been made publicly available on the GrainGenes website! You can find more information about this effort and links to the data in the article in the "Research Reports" section.

**New contact info** (And a virtual field day!)

We've been having some technical issues with the newsletter, and ended up losing the curator's email account in the process. The new email address is

While that whole mess has been a real field day(!), there's also a virtual one coming up on June 24th. It's being sponsored by the Practical Farmers of Iowa, and further information can be found here.

More news to come soon!
