An eventful time...

Happy 2019 everyone! I have a couple of items to finish off 2018: the Web harvest for December is in the “Community News” section, and a summary concerning oat cultivars released in Canada in 2018 is in the “Research Reports” section. I would like to see summaries concerning new cultivars released in other countries as well. Are there some of you who would be willing to put those together, please?

“Would you like the chicken or the fish?” a question I've been asked many times at banquets and so on, and it seems appropriate now. There are two new reports in the “Research Reports” section, both translated from German. One presents data concerning the mixed-feed market, and the other discusses adding oats to chicken feed to prevent feather picking. Note that research reports will now be identified on the reports pages as being translations, summaries, or original work.

If you get OatMail, you already know this: there’s another job opening!

A new job opportunity has opened up with the GrainGenes team in Albany, California. They are looking for a Postdoctoral Research Associate with experience in computational biology (as it relates to plant genomics). The details can be found here. Taner Sen, GrainGenes team lead, sent out the information via OatMail and via the GrainGenes mail list, which you may find useful as well.

You've got OatMail! Plus, a job opening and a survey...

Now you have even more ways to connect to the oat research world! “OatMail” is an e-mail forum for discussion and announcements of specific interest to the broader oat research community. Belonging to the OatMail group is different than being on the Oat Newsletter subscriber list. There is more information about both the OatMail and Oat Newsletter lists under the “About” tab, along with instructions for how to subscribe.

Got plans for Friday? (And beyond?)

This Friday, July 6th, at noon CST, the Practical Farmers of Iowa (PFI) will be hosting another Learning Call. This time, Earl Canfield will discuss his specialized equipment and technique for harvesting oats by swathing to maintain quality for his on-farm animal feed business.

PFI will also be holding a workshop entitled “Rotationally Raised – Making Small Grains Work”. This event will be held at Minnesota State U. in Mankato, MN, on July 30th.
