A little light summer reading
This update of the Newsletter brings you three new pages to peruse: "Nomenclature", "Germplasm", and "Pathology". They were created to make relevant tools and information easier to find, and to reflect the existence of the AOW/IOC Nomenclature and Germplasm Committees, as well as the Oat Rust Initiative. Each page is still very much a work in progress, and much more information will be added. I encourage you to send me your ideas for content, as well as structure.
There are a few items on the new pages that I would like to highlight:
- There have always been links to the T3/Oat and GrainGenes databases under the "Links" tab on the home page, but now they are also on the "Germplasm" and "Nomenclature" pages, along with links to the associated tutorials. There is now a direct link to "POOL" (the "Pedigree Of Oat Lines" database), as well.
- There is a link to the "International Oat Workers' Code of Ethics for Germplasm Exchange" on the "Germplasm" page. That document, however, was approved at the 2000 IOC meeting and desperately needs to be updated, as the "International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture" (ITPGRFA) is now law. Fortunately for us, the co-chair of the Germplasm Committee, Axel Diederichsen, is also Canada's Point of Contact for ITPGRFA, and a new version of the Code should be ready for presentation at the IOC meeting in Perth in 2020.
- Many of the additional resources on the "Germplasm" page are country-specific, such as the new "Oat Growth Guide" for the UK. It is these types of resources in particular that I could use your help in finding and updating.
- Some of you might remember my attempt to create a portal for data and knowledge management for the Oat Rust Initiative. The "Pathology" page contains all of the information that was part of that, and also adds to it.
There is also the possibility of adding other pages; e.g., for agronomy, cereal chemistry, etc.. Thinking of agronomy, the Prairie Organic Grain Initiative (POGI) has started a series of podcasts called "Grain on the Brain!", an interesting new tool is the "Cereal Aphid Manager Mobile App" from AAFC, and Haley Catton, an entomologist at AAFC, is looking for samples of cereal leaf beetles from Western Canada.
The Practical Farmers of Iowa group has numerous resources of interest, and their Small Grains Conference will be held August 15-16. Another date of note is July 15th - anyone wishing to apply for grant money from Grain Farmers of Ontario needs to submit an application by then. Other events are in the calendar!
That is all the information I'm going to bombard you with today. More items will be posted in a few weeks. In the meantime, I'd like to wish all my fellow Canadians a Happy Canada Day, and all of our American friends a Happy 4th of July!