American Oat Workers Conference


July 25th, 2024

This year's AOW Conference has now concluded! The proceedings and other information from the conference will be posted in the newsletter as documents and links become available (see sections below).

The next conference will be held in Fargo, ND, USA, in 2028, most likely in early August. The host will be Craig Carlson, oat breeder with USDA-ARS. Put a placeholder in your calendars!

May 31st, 2024

The conference website has been updated with a list of confirmed oral presentations. Please remember that the deadline for abstracts is Friday, June 7th! The deadline for registration is now June 28th.

Update from Aaron, January 15th, 2024:

        "The 2024 AOWC website ( has been updated with a draft schedule, along with the abstract submission, conference registration, and hotel booking portals. Please feel free to start registering for the conference and submitting your abstracts for consideration of oral and poster presentations. Registration and abstract submissions can be done under the “Registration” tab. Hotel booking can be done under the “Accommodations” tab. Please keep an eye out for future updates.  Looking forward to seeing you all in Saskatoon."

August 14th, 2023

Ad for the 2024 American Oat Workers' Conference

The dates for the next American Oat Workers' Conference (AOWC) have been announced! The meeting, hosted by oat breeder Aaron Beattie from the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan, will be held from 21-24 July, 2024, in Saskatoon, SK, Canada.

More information concerning AOWC generally, as well as links to abstracts, etc., from previous conferences, is below.

While the American Oat Workers’ group is designed to meet the needs of those working with oats in North, Central, and South America, everyone is welcome to attend the conference!


AOW Committee structure

The list of AOW Committee members elected in July, 2024, is here.

The draft minutes from the Saskatoon meeting are here.

The newly-revised (2024) "Statement of Purpose of the Organization of the American Oat Workers' Conference" is here.


Previous American Oat Workers Conferences/Hosts: