Additional Links

Please note:  This list is incomplete.  Please let us know of any links that should be added.  Being on this list does not imply any endorsement of the listed organizations’ products or services by the American Oat Workers or the Oat Newsletter. 


Breeding/Genetics/Variety registration

BSPB: The British Society of Plant Breeders, Ltd.

CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office


Crop Trust

Crop Wild Relatives

The Global Plant Council



GRIN: Germplasm Resources Information Network



Journal of Plant Registrations

Nordsaat Saatzucht GmbH

PGRC: Plant Gene Resources of Canada | Ressources Phytogénétiques du Canada

Plant Link

POOL: Pedigree Of Oat Lines


The Scottish Oats Variety Database

Seed World Europe

UPOV: Plant Variety Rights


Millers/Food/Feed/Other products

3 Bears (in English and German)

Alara Wholefoods, Ltd.

Anson Mills

Avena Foods, Ltd.

Bjorg (in French)

Blue Lake Milling Pty. Ltd.

Buffalo Creek Mills

Dad's Oats

Daryl's Hi-N-R-G Bars

Emerson Milling, Inc.

EnergyOatSnack (in German)

Flahavan’s (E. Flahavan & Sons Limited)

Frebaco Kvarn

Gain Feeds (Tirlán)

GB Seeds 

General Mills, Inc. (USA)

General Mills, Inc. (Canada)

Gold&Green Foods (in Finnish)

Grain Millers, Inc.

Grandma Henvey’s

Hamlyn’s of Scotland

Morning Foods

Harraway and Sons, Ltd.

Helsingin Mylly Oy (Helsinki Mills) (in Finnish)

High Lane Oatcakes

Hilray Whole Grains

John Hogarth, Ltd.

Jungle Oats

Modern Oats


Nairn's Oatcakes 

NAMA: North American Millers' Association

Nith River Milling, Inc.

Oat and Mill

Oat Services


Oatly AB

Only Oats

PepsiCo Canada ULC

PepsiCo Inc. (USA)

PepsiCo UK and Ireland

Post Consumer Brands

Povey's Oatcakes

Raisio Oyj

Richardson Milling (UK) Ltd.

Semican International

Spoon Cereals


Strathallan's Gluten Free Oats

The Merry Mill

Toats Oat Company

Uncle Toby's

Van's Foods




Seed Growers/Producer Organizations

AEXCO: Australian Exporters Company

Canadian Seed Trade Association

Canterra Seeds 

Center Seeds

Dow Seeds (The Dow Chemical Company)

ESA: European Seed Association

Finnish Oat Association (Suomen Kaurayhdistys ry)

GB Seeds

Grain Farmers of Ontario

Grain Growers of Canada

Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA)

GrainCo Ltd.

Irish Seed Trade Association

La Coop fédérée

Linear Grain Inc.

Norsk Havre (in Norwegian)

Ontario Cereal Crops Committee

Organic Arable

Prairie Oat Growers Association – POGA - includes information from the Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba producer groups

RAGT Seeds Ltd.

Richardson International

Saaten-Union GmbH

SeCan Association 


Senova Ltd. 

UPA: Union des Producteurs Agricoles du Québec


Agronomy/Pathology/Production/Lab Services

20/20 Seed Labs Inc.

ADHB Cereals and Oilseeds

AFGC: American Forage and Grassland Council   

Ag-West Bio


BASF Crop Protection

Biovision Seed Labs

Canadian Plant Disease Survey

Cereal Rust Bulletins (USDA-ARS)

Crob Web (Univar)

Farming Smarter

Glanbia Agribusiness

IHARF: Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation   

Just Common Sense AB

Oat Rust Initiative


Organic Research Centre

Romer Labs

South East Research Farm

UMN Dept. Plant Pathology

USDA ARS Cereal Disease Lab


Media outlets

Germination magazine


Real Agriculture

Oat Scoop (POGA)

Top Crop Manager

The Western Producer



Left Field Commodity Research

Oat Information


Government organizations

AAFC: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Science and Innovation)

AEGIC: Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre

DAFWA: Department of Agriculture and Food, Government of Western Australia

GRDC: Grains Research and Development Corporation

Julius Kühn-Institut (Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants)

Luke: National Resources Institute Finland

MAFRD (Manitoba)

MAPAQ (Quebec – in French)  

OMAFRA (Ontario) - crops 

Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture

SARDI: South Australia Research and Development Institute


USDA-ARS: US Dept. Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service



Health Canada position on oats for celiac patients

The Golden Spurtle

Oatcake Day

Porridge Lady

The B&B Lab Olympics, ORDC, AAFC, 2019
