Historical Documents


Documents of historical interest to the oat community are listed below (organized by subject and date). Please let us know if you have any other documents to share.

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Meetings and Workshops

Report of Oat Enhancement Work Session, Madison, WI, October 16, 1987



Coffman, F.A., Stevens, H., and Stanton, T.R. (1959) Culture of Oats in the Western States. USDA, Farmers' Bull. 2134, 14 pp..

Coffman, F.A. (1965) Factors Affecting Survival of Winter Oats. USDA, ARS Bull. 1346, 28 pp..


Breeding and Germplasm

Anon. (1908) Burt oats (Avena sativa). United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D.C..

Anon. (1908) Sixty-day oats (Avena sativa). United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D.C..

Anon. (1908) Swedish Select oats (Avena sativa). United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Washington, D.C..

Salmon, S.C. and Parker, J.H. (1921) Kanota: An early oat for Kansas. Circular 91. Agric. Exp. Stn., Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan.

Derick, R.A. and Newman, L.H. (1931) Standard Descriptions of Registered Oat Varieties. Bull. No. 147. Dominion of Canada, Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa.

Derick, R.A. (1937) Standard Descriptions of Registered Oat Varieties. Pub. No. 553, Bull. No. 147 (revised). Dominion of Canada, Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa.

Derick, R.A. and Hamilton, D.G. (1948) Oats in Canada. Pub. No. 554. Canada Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa.

Welsh, J.N. et al. (1953) Oat Varieties - Past and Present. Pub. No. 891. Canada Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa.

Derick, R.A. (1953) Oats in Canada. Pub. No. 554 (revised). Canada Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa.

Stanton, T.R. (1955) Oat identification and classification. USDA Technical Bulletin No. 1100.

Frey, K.J. (1965) The utility of hill plots in oat research. Euphytica, 14(2): 196-208.

Purdy, L.H., Loegering, W.Q., Konzak, C.F., Peterson, C.J., and Allan, R.E. (1968) A Proposed Standard Method for Illustrating Pedigrees of Small Grain Varieties. Crop Science, 8(4): 405-406. (Purdy notation)

Zadoks, J.C., Chang, T.T., and Konzak, C.F. (1974) A decimal code for the growth stages of cereals. Weed Research, 14: 415-421.

Baum, B.R., Rajhathy, T., Martens, J.W., and Thomas, H. (1975) Wild Oat Gene Pool: a collection maintained by the Canada Dept. Agriculture, Canada Avena (CAV), 2nd edition. Research Branch, Canada Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa.

Coffman, F.A. (1977) Oat history, identification and classification. USDA-ARS Technical Bulletin No. 1516.

Baum, B.R. (1977) Oats: Wild and Cultivated. A Monograph of the Genus Avena L. (Poaceae). Monograph No. 14. Research Branch, Canada Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa.

Brinkman, M.A. and Frey, K.J. (1977) Growth Analysis of Isoline-Recurrent Parent Grain Yield Differences in Oats. Crop Sci. 17(3): 426-430. (The term "linkage drag" is used here for the first time)

Frégeau, J. (1988) Dormoat Physiology. Technical Bulletin 1988-7E. Plant Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa.

Guerin, P.M. (2007) Development of High-Vigour Oat Varieties in Australia. National Library of Australia.

Hayes, H.K. (2009) The Development of Plant Breeding at Minnesota. Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics, University of Minnesota. 178 pp.


Food and Feed

Burrows, V.D. et al. (1993) Production and Feeding of Naked Oat. Pub. No. 1888/E. Agriculture Canada, Ottawa.



Simons, M.D., Zillinsky, F.J., and Jensen, N.F. (1966) A standardized system of nomenclature for genes governing characters of oats. USDA, ARS Bull. 34-85, 22 pp..

Simons, M.D., Martens, J.W., McKenzie, R.I.H., Nishiyama, I., Sadanaga, K., Sebesta, J., and Thomas, H. (1978) Oats: a standardized system of nomenclature for genes and chromosomes and catalog of genes governing characters. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. USDA Agric. Handb. 408.



Smith, D.C. (1934) Correlated inheritance in oats of reaction to diseases and other characters. University of Minnesota Technical Bulletin #102. Reports the linkage of stem rust resistance genes Pg-1 (gene D) and Pg-2 (gene A).

Murphy, H.C. (1935) Physiologic specialization in Puccinia coronata avenae. Bull. U.S. Dept. Agric. 433: 1-48. - N.B.: If viewed in a web browser, the first and last pages will be missing. See them here.

Bushnell W.R. and Roelfs A.P., eds. (1984) The Cereal Rusts: Vol. I - Origins, Specificity, Structure, and Physiology. Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL.

Roelfs A.P. and Bushnell W.R., eds. (1985) The Cereal Rusts: Vol. II - Diseases, Distribution, Epidemiology, and Control. Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL.

McCallum, B.D. (2019) Thorvaldur Johnson's "The Dominion Rust Research Laboratory, 1925-1957", Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, DOI: 10.1080/07060661.2019.1622594.



Anstey, T.H. (1986) One Hundred Harvests: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada 1886-1986. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Historical Series No. 27. 432 pp.

Thro, A.M. and Robertson, L. (2011) Dedication: Kenneth J. Frey: Oat Breeder, Educator, and Champion of Plant Breeding. Plant Breeding Rev. 34: 1-36.