Additional Links
Please note: This list is incomplete. Please let us know of any links that should be added. Being on this list does not imply any endorsement of the listed organizations’ products or services by the American Oat Workers or the Oat Newsletter.
Breeding/Genetics/Variety registration
BSPB: The British Society of Plant Breeders, Ltd.
CPVO: Community Plant Variety Office
GRIN: Germplasm Resources Information Network
Journal of Plant Registrations
PGRC: Plant Gene Resources of Canada | Ressources Phytogénétiques du Canada
The Scottish Oats Variety Database
Millers/Food/Feed/Other products
3 Bears (in English and German)
Bjorg (in French)
EnergyOatSnack (in German)
Flahavan’s (E. Flahavan & Sons Limited)
Gold&Green Foods (in Finnish)
Helsingin Mylly Oy (Helsinki Mills) (in Finnish)
NAMA: North American Millers' Association
- Elovena (in Finnish)
Strathallan's Gluten Free Oats
Seed Growers/Producer Organizations
AEXCO: Australian Exporters Company
Canadian Seed Trade Association
Dow Seeds (The Dow Chemical Company)
ESA: European Seed Association
Finnish Oat Association (Suomen Kaurayhdistys ry)
Grain Industry Association of Western Australia (GIWA)
Ontario Cereal Crops Committee
Prairie Oat Growers Association – POGA - includes information from the Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba producer groups
UPA: Union des Producteurs Agricoles du Québec
Agronomy/Pathology/Production/Lab Services
AFGC: American Forage and Grassland Council
Cereal Rust Bulletins (USDA-ARS)
IHARF: Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation
Media outlets
Government organizations
AAFC: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Science and Innovation)
AEGIC: Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre
DAFWA: Department of Agriculture and Food, Government of Western Australia
GRDC: Grains Research and Development Corporation
Julius Kühn-Institut (Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants)
Luke: National Resources Institute Finland
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
SARDI: South Australia Research and Development Institute
USDA-ARS: US Dept. Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service
Health Canada position on oats for celiac patients