Ottawa RDC, AAFC, Virtual Oat Day
Weikai Yan, oat breeder at the Ottawa Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, will be hosting Oat Day again this year. Because of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the event will be virtual. A series of videos about oat research at the centre is now available (see below). The live session will be held on July 28th, 2021, from 10:00 am - noon EDT (check the time offset for your location here). During the meeting, attendees will be able to ask questions and discuss the work being done. Wubi Bekele will also have an additional presentation to share.
If you are interested in attending, please register by emailing Charlene Wight at charlene.wight@AGR.GC.CA. You will then be sent a Zoom link. Questions may also be submitted in advance of the meeting.
Video links:
- Weikai Yan, oat breeding
- Baoluo Ma, oat agronomy
- Wen Chen, oat/microbe interactions
- Wubishet Bekele, oat genomics
- Asuka Itaya, oat genomics (methods)
- Charlene Wight, oat genomics (databases)
The Ottawa RDC oat research team looks forward to seeing you on July 28th!