Alberta Oat Growers Commission AGM, Edmonton, AB, Canada

The Alberta Oat Growers Commission Annual General Meeting will be held Monday, January 28, 2019 (Monday before FarmTech 2019), at the Edmonton Westin, 10135 100th Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 0N7 in the Turner Valley room,


6:30pm Complementary Drink plus a Light Meal

7:00pm Welcome from the Alberta Oat Growers Commission

7:05pm AOGC Business Meeting**; Brad Boettger, Chairman from Tofield, AB

7:15pm Director Elections/Director Acclamation 

7:30pm Sandeep Nain, General Manager, Gateway Research Organization – Results from Three years of Oat Variety Trials in Westlock and Falher . . .will New Varieties beat Morgan 3 years in a Row???

7:50pm Mark Hemmes, President, Quorum Corporation – Rail Transportation, What Changes with the Implementation of Bill C49 and How Might it Impact Producers?

8:25pm John Loogman, Rycroft Elevator Manager/Grain Buyer AB/BC, Grain Millers Canada – Alberta Oat Markets: What can Alberta Farmers Expect in Terms of Price for 2019?

8:45pm Adjourn

*Times and agenda topics subject to change; check for updates.

For those who stay through the end of the meeting, AOGC will provide another complementary drink ticket. Please RSVP to to ensure enough food is ordered. There is no charge for this event.

**Please note: a 30-day notice for resolutions is required at the Alberta Oat Growers Association’s Annual General Meeting. Please send any resolutions to no later than 5pm December 28, 2018.

Monday, January 28, 2019