You've got OatMail! Plus, a job opening and a survey...
Now you have even more ways to connect to the oat research world! “OatMail” is an e-mail forum for discussion and announcements of specific interest to the broader oat research community. Belonging to the OatMail group is different than being on the Oat Newsletter subscriber list. There is more information about both the OatMail and Oat Newsletter lists under the “About” tab, along with instructions for how to subscribe. If you’re still confused, you can take a look at this music video: "OatMail vs. OatNews - a song" (some of you might remember “The Beverly Hillbillies”...).
OatMail is useful for the direct sharing of time-sensitive information, as well as for having discussions. For example, there's a job opening in Jean-Luc Jannink’s lab at Cornell University to work on the T3 (Triticeae Toolbox) Database: Research Support Specialist I – Plant Breeding and Genetics. The deadline for applications is September 15th! More about T3 can be found here.
Similarly, AHDB in the UK is doing a survey: "Advisers and farmers asked to help shape oat nutrition trials". The survey closes at the end of September.
As for discussions, go for it – but please follow the rules and keep things civil!