
Happy World Porridge Day! The tenth of October was designated World Porridge Day to celebrate the wonders of oatmeal and help raise funds for the charity Mary's Meals.

It also coincides with the annual Golden Spurtle World Porridge Making Championship. This year, the top prizes were presented to the competitors from Scotland and the Philippines. Read more about them and the other competitors on the Golden Spurtle website and at these five links: (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5).

In terms of other presentations, the slides from those made at the American Oat Workers' Conference (AOWC) in July are now available to view on the "AOWC" page, along with other documents from the conference and a video from the field tour. The photo gallery is yet to come, as there's currently a glitch on this website preventing its creation.

Note that all the AOWC presentations can also be accessed via the "Research Reports" section. If you work in genomics, please pay particular attention to the poster from Rick Jellen and the Oat Nomenclature Committee, who have developed new rules for naming genome sequences, chromosomes, genes, QTL, etc..

Both François Eudes and Jim Dyck attended AOWC, and they recently made presentations during a webinar titled "Gene-Edited Wheat, Next-Gen Oats and Cool Technology". The recording from that webinar is here.

Speaking of next-gen, a new PhD scholarship is available to work on the project "OMV-I: Investigating spatio-temporal dynamics of Oat Mosaic Virus (OMV) in Irish tillage systems" with Atik Rahman at TEAGASC, in Ireland.

Other presentations include those made at the recent OATSPO event held by AEGIC in Australia, which attracted more than 250 growers and stakeholders. AEGIC also presented the work of Sabori Mitra in this recent article.

Lastly, a video presentation about how oats from Glebe Farm in the UK are turned into oat "milk" can be seen here.

As always, more information on various topics can be found in the "Weekly Web Harvest" and please write to me at if you have information or ideas to present to the community. Enjoy World Porridge Day!