ScanOats - 2nd Food Oats Conference, Lund, Sweden
"Welcome to 2nd Food Oats Conference 2023
We are most delighted to welcome you to this on-site conference to be held in Lund, Sweden, between the 19th-21st of June 2023. This is the 2nd Food Oats Conference and this year’s focus will be on Oats for Future – dietary fibers and other bioactive compounds. Topics include:
- Oat genetic resources
- Oat breeding and management
- Oat processing
- Oat and health
- Innovation and consumer trends
Do not miss this excellent networking opportunity, where researchers and industrial representatives in the oat field are brought together.
Read more and sign up at
We look forward to seeing you soon in Lund!
The Organization Committee ScanOats
Feel free to spread the invitation to your colleagues and friends who may be interested in attending the conference. (The number of places is limited)."